Chemical Peeling
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- Chemical Peeling
What are chemical peels?
Chemical peels are a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure that offers safe and controlled removal of the outer, dead layers of the skin. There are multiple types of chemicals peels available which differ depending upon their specific ingredients and their strengths. Chemical peels work by damaging the skin cells or breaking the bonds between cells; thus causing the outer layer of skin to be exfoliated. The depth of a chemical peel varies based upon the chemical used, strength of the solution, how long the solution remains on the skin and how heavily or aggressively they are applied. Deeper chemical peels will produce superior results with fewer treatments. However, the deeper the chemical peel, the more discomfort and possible complications. The end effect leaves your skin soft and supple, appearing more youthful, and will have fewer wrinkles and a more even pigmentation.
Chemical peeling is truly an art!

What are chemical peels used for?
Chemical peels are used for the treatment of photo ageing (from sun damage), wrinkles, scarring, acne and discoloration including Melasma, freckles, and age spots.
Following the consultation we will select the peel that will give you best results. With all types of peel you may need to use specified homecare products to Balance your skin for a minimum of 2 weeks before your treatment, to prepare your skin and so optimise the results. There are many different kinds of peels and each one is performed differently. In general, chemical peels usually begin with vigorous cleansing of the skin and application of appropriate chemical peel.
The actual treatment takes approximately 30-40 minutes. A slight burning or stinging sensation may be felt during application but this usually subsides immediately once the solution is removed or neutralised – usually within 2 minutes.
How many peels will I need?
For Superficial Peels: 4 to 6 treatments (7-14 days apart) are recommended for maximum results. For maintenance: 1 treatment per month. For Medium to Deep Chemical Peels: more than one peel may be needed to achieve the desired result. This will be decided during your free consultation with the doctor.
What are the risks of chemical peels?
Superficial peels are safe although rarely minor irritation of the skin can occur. The risks of deeper peels include infection, scarring, redness, and discoloration. With all types of peels after care is essential to speed up healing, enhance results and prevent any problems occurring.
How long after a chemical peel before I can return to normal activities?
The state of your skin after a peel depends on the type of peel used. Superficial peels have limited effects and can produce redness and skin peeling for a few days. Clients can return to work or other activities right away.
Light peels are usually after a few weeks for optimal results and side effects are mild and usually self limiting especially with the recommended aftercare.
Medium to Deep Peels – Skin will develop a red sunburn appearance for 2-3 days after the application. Facial peeling occurs approximately 3-5 days following the application. This procedure has a short recovery time of about 5-7 days.
How long do the results last?
With good sun protection, results can last months to years, depending on the depth of the peel. Generally, the deeper peels have a longer lasting effect. The appropriate home after care program will significantly enhance results of your Chemical Peel treatment program. We usually combine Chemical Peels with other procedures to reduce downtime and side effects whilst maximising benefits.
Contraindications for Chemical Peels
- Facial Warts
- Prior bad reaction to a peel or Microdermabrasion
- Active herpes simplex (cold sores)
- History of sun allergies
- Recent radiation treatment for cancer
- Clients with abnormal scarring (keloid or hypertrophic scars), and certain skin conditions whch should be discussed during consultation.
- Pregnant or breast-feeding
- Roaccutane use within the past (6 months). Accutane should not be taken for at least six months after the peel either.
- Sunburn or significant sun exposure in the last two days
- Surgery or cryosurgery within the last six weeks to the area that is treated
Preparation for Chemical Peels
Preparing your skin prior to a chemical peel will result in deeper, more even penetration, faster recovery, lower risk of discoloration, and a better result.
Skin preparation may be achieved by applying Retin-A, Glycolic acid, and bleaching agents daily for 2 to 6 weeks.
Retin-A will help your dead superficial layers of skin shed and will allow the chemical peel agent to penetrate the skin. Retin-A will also stimulate your skin to regenerate and heal more quickly.
Alpha hydroxy acids, such as glycolic acid, will enhance the effects of Retin-A.
Clients with dark skin and pigmentation disorders are at increased risk of developing blotchy skin after a medium chemical peel. Bleaching agents used before and after your peel to minimize this problem may be recommended.
At least 2 weeks before the peel clients should stop using exfoliating sponges or buff pads.
All forms of hair removal should be discontinued at 2 weeks before the peel.
Clients should avoid shaving araes to be treated on the day of the peel.
After care for Superficial Chemical peels
With any superficial chemical peel temporary redness, flaking and dryness may occur but this mild skin reaction will not prevent you from working or engaging in your normal activities. A fresher and improved skin texture will result with continued AHA treatments. Depending on the desired result and client skin type, 3-6 additional peels are advisable, scheduled at least 7-14 days apart. For maintenance we recommend further treatments 4-6 weeks thereafter.
Do not use any Glycolic Acid products before and after peel for 24 hours.
Remember, protecting your skin from the sun is also important following these mild acid peels.
With an Superficial chemical peel, the temporary redness, flaking and dryness may occur but this mild skin reaction will not prevent you from working or engaging in your normal other activities right away. A fresher and improved skin texture will result with continued AHA treatments. Depending on the desired result and client skin type, 3-6 additional peels are advisable, schedule at least 7-14 days apart. For maintenance: 1 treatment per month.
Do not use any Glycolic Acid products before and after peel for 24 hours.
Remember, protecting your skin from the sun is also important following these mild acid peels.
After care for Medium to Deep peels
The skin may appear red and flushed immediately after the treatment. On a second day, the skin may feel tight and appear tan in colour. On the third day, peeling may begin around the mouth, chin, cheeks and the eyes. The Neck and forehead are often the last to peel. Peeling usually occurs from the third to the seventh day following the treatment. This peeling process is not the same as a “flaking“ from lighter peels.
- It is important for you to understand the peeling process and not to pull on loose skin. Hyper pigmentation and infection often occur when loose skin is pulled.
- Cold compresses or ice packs will be applied to the treated area followed by the application of a bland emollient ointment. This will help to reduce any swelling you may experience. You will be provided with specific post treatment protocols which will maximise outcomes and reduce the risk of complications.
- Doctor may advise you to apply antibiotic ointment for approximately 3-5 days post operatively or a Skin Lightening product to prevent abnormal pigmentation.
- You may take pain medication to help alleviate any discomfort.
- Try to keep your head elevated with two pillows to help reduce swelling.
- We advise you to return to our clinic on the 5th or 6th postoperative day for a Hydration Facial.
- Do not apply make-up until all flaking has stopped.
- Once the skin has healed, the treated area will be pink in colour. This will gradually subside over a period of 2-4 weeks, occasionally longer.
- If you are normally on a retinoid and/or Alpha Hydroxy acid products, they may be gradually re-introduced once the skin has healed; usually 5-7 days post peel.
- Protect your skin from direct sun exposure with a broad spectrum sunscreen (SPF 50+) for a minimum of 7 days post treatment to prevent hyper pigmentation. Patient compliance with the use of daily sun protector on an ongoing basis is mandatory, especially with exfoliation treatments.
- Depending on the desired result and client skin type, 1-2 additional peels may be necessary and scheduled during the initial consultation.
Chemical Peeling
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- Chemical Peeling
What are Dermal Fillers used for?
- Replace volume loss from the mid-face and temples
- Elevate and reposition eyebrows which have dropped
- Replace volume loss in the temples
- Lift Jowels and sagging of the jawline
- Treat volume loss in the hands
- Reshape the nose
- Enhance Cheeks
What Dermal Fillers do you use?
- Belotero
- Juvederm
- Teosyal
- Restylane/Perlane
These products are made from Hyaluronic Acid which is a complex polysaccharide (sugar) found in a number of sites in our bodies – Joints, Skin, Eyes. As the structure is identical to that in our bodies and as there is no animal product, the risk of allergies is minimal and allergy testing is not therefore required.
Other fillers used for specific indications include:
- Radiesse
- Ellanse
- Sculptra
Who will perform the treatment?
What are the common Side effects with Dermal Filler Treatments
Before deciding the treatment with dermal fillers, a number of general health aspects need to be clarified. A particular tendency to bruising, medication that thins the blood, like aspirin, warfarin or clopidogrel may also lead to significantly more bruising and swelling and needs to be known in advance. The risk or allergic reactions with current dermal fillers is very low and they do not require preliminary allergy testing. Redness, swelling and bruising at the point of injection are possible with all types of fillers, and most frequently are limited to one or two days after the treatment. More prolonged redness or swelling is possible and will been to be brought to the attention of your doctor promptly.
The risk of infection is present whenever using injectable treatments and is a consideration also with fillers. Typically, the treatment does not require an antibiotic cover, but if you have any suspicion of an infection, you need to discuss your concerns promptly with your doctor. Thorough cleaning of the skin before treatment is essential.
Pain at the injection site is usually limited, and the treatment can be carried out either using local anaesthetic cream, local anaesthetic injections or no anaesthetic depending on individual preferences.
Delayed side effects include the formation of lumps. if the Dermal Filler used is composed of Hyaluronic Acid ( Juvederm, Beltero, Teosyal, Restylane etc) this is rare and these can usually be dissolved quite easily with Hyalase. Other products such as Radiesse, Sculptra, Ellanse etc that are often promoted as longer lasting but may have an increased risk and this should be discussed with your doctor. They can often be managed medically but in very rare circumstances surgical removal may be required.
How and where are the treatments provided?
Treatment with injectable dermal fillers is an office based procedure that usually takes less than 30 minutes. It is possible to apply local anaesthetic cream on the skin or on the lips to decrease sensation and reduce the discomfort related to the treatment, although many people find this unnecessary.
Volume augmentation of the lips can also be carried out using regional nerve block which means that the lips become completely numb, but they will take several hours to recover, similar to the dental local anaesthetic.
The results after the treatment are immediate and depending on the area treated and product used these results.
What should I do after the treatment?
After the treatment, it is important to avoid excessive rubbing to the treatment areas and application of cold is sometimes suggested. Specific advice will be given to you by Dr Jones appropriate to the area treated and product used.